Dollars in scholarships given this year
Scholars and Fellows
International Student Scholars
% of Scholars identify as Black, Hispanic, Latine, Asian, or Multi-racial
As President of Champaign National Bank, Fred S. Bailey developed a strong appreciation for the University YMCA and believed in its commitment to develop and nurture ethical leaders who were committed to making the world a better place. When he passed away in 1955, his Will established the Fred Bailey Trust and designated two-thirds of the income to be paid to the University YMCA for scholarships to U of I students on the basis of "moral character, intelligence, leadership and scholarship without regard to their field of study."
Over the past 70 years, the University YMCA has awarded millions of dollars in scholarships to thousands of University of Illinois students through the Bailey Scholarship Program. Since 2001, over 500 students have received $3+ million.
In 2009, the University YMCA updated and fully integrated the Bailey Scholarship Program within its programming. As a result, the criteria changed to emphasize service and action in addition to financial need and academic achievement. This review also led to the creation of the Bailey Leadership Awards, four $8,000 awards given to upcoming seniors who have made an exceptional impact in one of the following areas: Social Justice, Environment, Faith in Action, and International Issues.
In 2013, the program added the Fred S. Bailey Fellowship for Community Leadership, Service, and Activism to support graduate and professional students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus who have shown a strong commitment to community organizing, activism, and/or service. The Fellowship offers a $14,000 stipend and a tuition and partial fee waiver for most programs. The Unpaid Internship program provides $1,500 and $3,000 to students who accept part-time or full-time volunteer social impact internships with public service agencies and non-profit organizations.
Enrichment Opportunities
Are you a current Bailey Scholar looking for opportunities to fulfill your enrichment requirements? Check out these current opportunities!
- Bailey Scholar Social Hour & Orientation
- 9/25 4:30-6:00 at the University YMCA
- Friday Forum + Conversation Café
- Fridays at 12:00 at the University YMCA
- Learn about scholarship opportunities with UIUC's National & International Scholarships Program
- 10/30 4:30-6:00 at the University YMCA
- Have something else in mind? Contact Sydney for approval.
Additional opportunities will be announced via email to all Bailey Scholars throughout the year. Scholars can also request approval of other events and workshops and develop their own leadership development plan! For approval, contact the Bailey Scholarship Director, Sydney Curts, sydney@universityymca.org
Leadership Opportunities
Are you a current Bailey Scholar looking for opportunities to fulfill your leadership requirements? Check out these current opportunities!
- Be an election judge for the 2024 election.
- Illinois Leadership Workshops
- Racial Justices Allies & Advocates (RJAA)
- Lead your own workshop or meeting. Contact Sydney for approval.
Additional opportunities will be announced via email to all Bailey Scholars throughout the year. Scholars can also request approval of other events and workshops and develop their own leadership development plan! For approval, contact the Bailey Scholarship Director, Sydney Curts, sydney@universityymca.org
Sample Resume
Applicants should ensure their resume showcases their community involvement.
Sample Internship MOU
Unpaid Internship Scholars must submit a signed Letter of Agreement, learning objectives and a final job description before their internship start date. These items must be approved by both the faculty sponsor and the Bailey Scholarship Director.
You must also submit a Site Agreement Memorandum of Understanding to be completed and signed by your Site Sponsor.

Support the Bailey Scholarship program today!
Your support enables us to provide dedicated staff support and programming for Bailey Scholars - helping them to develop to their fullest potential.