1001 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820 | Summer Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-4:00 | hello.ymca@universityymca.org  |  (217) 337-1500

Eric Vargas


Member, Student Board

Eric Vargas is a senior studying Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois. He is also the Vice President of Grow2Give and active on the Student Board.

When asked how he would describe himself though a story, he replied with this: "One day I was diagnosed with alopecia and now I am interested in finding a cure for it. From this experience of hair loss it became a natural interest of mine to figure out what the cause was as it became a part of my life at 5 years old. With this being a foundational experience in my life it drove me towards the realm of science and plant medicines as my parents took me to a variety of doctors for a cure. And so with this experience it has given me the opportunity to learn more about how I should maintain my health as my parents taught themselves in order to help my cells recover their chances of restoring my hair. In conclusion, the best way I would describe myself is someone that wants to help others out as much as my parents tried to help me out, due to this experience it has given me a set of tools in the form of knowledge that could potentially help someone else out too."

Eric Vargas